Monday, March 17, 2014

Depression Outline

I Intro
During the Great Depression, 1929-1939, America's entire life had taken a turn onto bumpy, unstable road. The Depression was a time where farming went from a surplus of crops to scarce produce.  Jobs went from an abundance of opportunities to very limited job offerings. President Roosevelt did his best to end the Depression, with his New Deals, broker states and safety nets. Being stuck in the middle of it, though, seemed near to impossible for the country to ever recover.
II Causes (The causes of the great depression were over speculation, government policy, and unstable economy.)
A overspeculation
B Govt Policy
C Unstable Econ
1 uneven prosperity-
2 overproduction-
3 worker issues / farm issues
III Effects
A Poverty- state of  being very poor, effected many families in the nation drastically
B Society- effected the society by decreasing jobs and increasing poverty
C World-effected the trade exports and imports because less food and merchandise being produced
IV Solutions
A Hoover- Elected president in the midst of the Great Depression, was beat by FDR in 1932
1 Volunteerism
2 Public Works- building roads, buildings, schools, etc all across the nation
3 Hawley Smoot- June 1930, raised average tariff rate o the biggest level in US history, decreased trade
4 RFC-Reconstruction Finance Corporation, makes loans to banks, railroads, and agricultural institutions, fails and economy collapses more so
B Roosevelt-
1 new deal
a alphabet soup
            example- SEC-securities and exchange commission, US governmental agency that monitors trading in securities and company takeovers
            example- NRA- National Recovery Act, factories kept firing people, so they tried to get businesses to keep their workers and stay in business
            example- HOLC- home owners loan corporation, loans to keep their houses during the depression.
            example- CCC- civilian conservation core, bunch of young men, had workers  planting trees
b Criticism?
2 2nd new deal
a spending more money than had
b sit-down strike
c not enough security for retired people
V Criticicism
B Political Criticism (ex. Came from both the left wing and right wing)
A Conservatives are traditional people who don't like change and felt the new deal was socialism in disguise
B Liberals (ex: criticized the new deal also. They....)
Ex: wasting money
ex: jobs were not consistent
VI Effectiveness
A Changes in US- broker state, safety net, fair labor standards act
B Unions
C Culture
VII Conclusion
After roughly ten strenuous years of the Great Depression, America had finally gotten out of it. President Roosevelt's many attempts and ideas to end the depression finally payed off. America was finally functioning back to normal, people were getting jobs again, and entrepreneurs were blooming in the cities. Farmers were producing crops again and there was not as much starvation and poverty around. Plus America had changes that still exist now to keep American's happy, such as safety nets, fair labor standards, and broker state. All in all, America, after many years of hardship that seemed impossible to recover from, America got back and became an even more advanced and awesome country!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


President's Death!!
By: Caitlin Nichols
President Warren Harding has suddenly died yesterday, August 2, 1923. He was on his way with his wife to California and unexpectedly had a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Warren says she was casually reading to her husband when his first symptoms started to show. Accordingly, a shudder raced through his body and then he collapsed. Nurses raced him to the doctors room when he continued to shudder. Mrs. Warren says only a week ago he was diagnosed with the illness apoplexy. What she thought was so crazy however was that yesterday was the first time since his diagnoses that he was feeling well. The doctors did everything he could, but unfortunately he was not able to fight his intense stroke. He passed away with Mrs. Harding, Miss Ruth Powderly, Miss Sue Drusser and two nurses in the room. Mrs. Warren his illness was deadly. But what she didn't realize was how limited her days were with him, and furthermore, as President of the Untied States. Americas 29th president, though only three years in office, served his time well and will be greatly missed by his wife and the American citizens. 

Saleena Soto

"Tired of frizzy, boring hair?'

"Annoyed with not having the trendy hair style?"
"Get Pomade today!"
"Enjoy slick, neat and shiny hair!"
"With it's no dry effect, change your style from one to another"
"From sophisticated day in the office to fun night on the town in just a few hand gestures"
"Don't be caught without it, POMADE"

By: Ciara Bullard