Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Earth Day

     The movie, "Fierce Green Fire" is about the beautiful world and the environmental movement that is so greatly needed to save the earth. In the movie, they discuss the plans for the dams and how hey have effected the world. Builders want to put dams into thr Grand Canyon, but there is a lot of protest against it. Scientists also say that chemicals are expanding across the world and that a huge cause of whales dying is the chemicals. To preserve the whales lives, groups of people have gone on marches and protested. A non-violent act that environmentalist did to save save trees was rap themselves around tress so forest service men could not cut down the trees. In 1988, it was officially claimed that the green house gasses are a major role in carbon dioxide build up and pollution. In the 1930's, the biggest whale killing field was in Antarctica. But in 1982, the anti-whaling campaign was created to prevent future whales deaths. Whales numbers went from 275,000 to less than 5,000. This is a good example of why the world needs to become a green machine and save the planet.
        A major concern for whales is that if they die off the entire food chain gets messed up. Whales are AT&T he very top of the food change and make a huge difference in how everything else below them live and function. Whales are one of the biggest animals in the world. They can be lengths up to a football field and weigh as much as 200 tons, which is equivalent to 33 elephants. A cool fact about whales is hey are warm blooded, like humans, and to keep hem warm living in the ocean, they have thick skin fat called blubber.
         Another endangered animal is the leatherback sea turtle. They are the only turtle that has a soft leathery back, hence it's name. They are he largest turtle of the ocean. It can stay under water incredible amounts of time, and converts sea salt water to fresh water. Leatherbacks swim deep in the sea most their life, but come to shore to lay their eggs. They are very smart, advanced animals. The unfortunate thing is jellyfish are their pride and joy. With plastic waste drifting through the sea, many leatherbacks are dying, mistaking the plastic for jellyfish. This exceptional animal is a perfect motivator for people blasé about not littering/recycling. If people see what their ways are killing, they will realize how much they need to shape up and save the earth and all it's creatures!





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